
DueDates 1.2


We want to make DueDates even more useful to users and decided to add 3 more options as follow.

1. -console
Report will be sent to the console.
usage: -console

2. -email
E-mail will be sent to the address using the supplied SMTP server.
usage: -email < emailaccount > < smtpserver >

3. -wakeup
Program will run and check for due items with given interval.
usage: -wakeup < interval >


I and my partner Jeho Jung worked on this development last week. We have been working as a partner for a while toward development of DueDates and now we really understand the most efficient way to proceed is pair programming. Our houses are close, so we met a few times and shared our knowledge.


With this update, now this program is able to do useful task. For example, following execution will run the program once a day and checks if there are books due within next 24 hours. If there is, the program will send E-mail and if not it does nothing.

-email name@hawaii.edu mail.hawaii.edu -wakeup 1 -within 1

I think this is a very useful option since people these days are busy and tend to forget many things. For now it only notifies us about books in the library, but if it had functions to tell us anything due it would be more useful. If I had enough time, I want to add such functions in the future.

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