
Stack Wicket


Last week I worked to use Wicket to enhance stack-johnson, so that everybody can use it on the web browser. With this, people do not need to use command prompt which is hard for some people, and also they even do not need to download the program.

What is Wicket?

Wicket is a web application framework for Java developers. Wicket focuses on programming with components and tries to use object oriented programming in web application. It is now part of Apache project.


Before I start development, I did setup for Jetty, Wicket, and SLF4J. Jetty is Java base web server, and SLF4J is library for logging.


My professor provided us great examples of how Wicket works at the following.


I was wondering how Jetty finds right html to display, but after looking at his Example01, I found out why. The program was executed in following order.

build.xml > Jetty > ExampleApplication > HelloWorldPage

ExampleApplication uses getHomePage to set HelloWorldPage as home page, then it works with HelloWorldPage.html to display. It was interesting to know its program flow.

Then I looked through examples and API for [ Jetty ] and [ Wicket ] to develop the application.


Implementing first Wicket application was very fun. Now I can access the program from anywhere. I'm looking forward to develop next applications. By the way, another wonderful resource I recommend is [ Wicket in Action ], which is available in both book and eBook.

The Wicket application can be downloaded from here.

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