


My task is to use various tools and fix Stack.

Task 1: Installation

I think installation was the hardest part of this assignment. After all I realized everything was explained in class, but it took me around 3 hours to setup all. I thought I should pay attention in class and take notes more. Below is the list of what I did to make it work. I often forget these kind of things so I write as a reminder.

1. Download Files
2. Set path for those tools
3. Create environment variables for those tools
4. Create an environment variable, JAVA_HOME
5. Restart PC

Task 2: Use Stack to create new project.

I just followed the instructions and everything went well.

Task 3: Fix the problems.

Since many useful tools told me where the error is, it didn't take a while to fix it.


I thought these tools are really useful in software engineering. It told me many errors and warnings that compiler never told me. It was a good opportunity and from now on I will take advantage of these tools when I develop software.

Zip File: Fixed Stack

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