
Creating a project DueDates


DueDates is a command base program that allows us to access library database and get information about our own account. I worked with Jeho Jung to enhance this project.

Procedures as a team:

It was challenging to do project with partners since our schedule are different, but we discussed about the project somehow and worked on it step by step. Since there were many things to do, we split work into subproblems and set deadline for each. That way we don't feel too much pressure and we can see if we are on the right track in terms of schedule.


First of all, we worked on formatting output. Since the original project didn't show due date, we added a feature to access it and format using String.format(). It was interesting to know we can use format such as "%1$-15s %2$-70s", which is similar to C language. Then we worked on error handling to check if it shows user friendly message. Lastly we worked on test case to make sure everything works well.

We also worked on writing Wiki page for UserGuide and DeveloperGuide while we enhance DueDates. Those Wiki pages are guide to others and at the same time they are notes for ourselves to remember later.


Dealing with DueDates was a good review of what we learned so far in software engineering class. Now I'm confident with working on any projects in the world with other developers.

Our project, duedates-green

executable jar file

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